Tanlet 完美品质铸就健康生活

TCM Health project

Chinese herbal includes traditional and modern Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine including herbal ingredients, animal ingredients, simple processed soup, pill, paste, powder. The chemical composition of traditional Chinese medicine is very complicated, in the process of extraction, separation, refining, concentration, drying and so on, each step has an impact on the content of traditional Chinese medicine.

Tanlet, the total solution provider, Providing whole project services from design, installation, commissioning, automation integration, verification service integration.

Based on the high efficiency and energy saving process equipment system, through industrial information communication, the whole process of traditional Chinese medicine production from front-end extraction to separation can be interconnected and efficiently coordinated. A TCM production data integration platform was built, which seamlessly integrated the information of process equipment, control system and software system into a digital pharmaceutical factory model, and realized effective integration of all kinds of data from equipment, production line and workshop of the whole factory. Meet the high efficiency, high quality, safety, environmental protection and other requirements of traditional Chinese medicine production and operation



Antioxidants: grape seed extract, green tea extract, pine bark extract, etc.

Immunomodulator: Echinacea extract, grey tree flower extract, ginseng extract, Acanthopanax Acanthopanax extract, Gynostemma extract, Astragalus extract, Ganoderma lucidum extract

sedative : Valerian extract, hop extract, etc. Phytoestrogens and Women's Health: Angelica sinensis extract, Red clover extract, black cohosh extract, soybean extract (soybean isoflavones)

Nutrition: Yingcai extract, trifoliate trifoliate extract, etc. Weight loss: lotus leaf extract, fruity extract, hawthorn extract, white kidney bean extract

liver-protecting Milk thistle extract, schisandra extract, pueraria root extract

Improve the function of cardiovascular:  Ginkgo biloba extract, Salvia miltiorrhiza extract, lotus seed heart extract, rhodiola rosea extract

memory improvement: Melaleuca extract, Asiaticum asiatica extract

Against pathogenic microorganism: Garlic extract, white willow bark extract, Coptis chinensis extract, pomegranate peel extract, macleaya cordata

Health maintenance: Herba epimedium extract, cistanche deserticola extract, yellow extract, Chinese yam extract, Chinese wolfberry extract

Functional sweetening agent: Liquorice extract, stevia extract

Project case



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